Book presentation w/ Mikkel Flyverbom
Professor Mikkel Flyverbom will present his new book "The Digital Prism - Transparency and Managed Visibilities in a Datafied World" (2019) published by Cambridge University Press.
Info about event
Helsingsforsgade 14, Building 5347, Room 120

On December 2 (14.30–16.00) we have the pleasure to welcome Prof. Mikkel Flyverbom from Copenhague Business School, for a presentation of his new book "The Digital Prism - Transparency and Managed Visibilities in a Datafied World".
The event will take place in the room 120 of Wiener (the Brandorff Lounge)
14:30 Welcome by Associate Professor Anders Albrechtslund.
14:35 Book presentation by Professor Mikkel Flyverbom.
15:20 Response by Associate Professor Peter Danholt.
15:30 Open discussion
16:00 Conclusion
The presenting author
Mikkel Flyverbom is Professor wsr of communication and digital transformations at the Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School. He is also a Research Fellow at the Center for Information Technology and Society at the University of California, Santa Barbara, a columnist for the Danish newspaper Politiken and a frequently consulted expert on tech issues.
The book
Digital technologies expose everything we do, like, and search for, and it is difficult to remain private and out of sight. How can we – as individuals, organizations and societies – deal with these technological and social transformations? Seen through the prism of digital technologies and data, our lives take new shapes and we are forced to manage our visibilities carefully. Meanwhile, many people are concerned about the unchecked powers of tech giants and the hidden operations of big data, artificial intelligence and algorithms, and call for more openness and accountability. This book challenges common ways of thinking about transparency, and argues that the management of visibilities is a crucial, but overlooked force that influences how people live, how organizations work, and how societies and politics operate in a digital, datafied world.