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Maja Sonne Damkjær featured on DR P1 radio speaking about "sharenting"

Listen to CENSUS postdoc Maja Sonne Damkjær speaking about the dilemmas parents face about knowing what to share about their children on social media.

Interviewed on DR P4 Østjylland Morgen today, Dr. Maja Sonne Damkjær, a postdoc in the Center for Surveillance Studies, was interviewed about the complex topic of "sharenting". Parents increasingly find themselves unsure about the boundaries of their children's privacy as more of social life takes place on social media. Sharing pictures and information about their children's lives becomes a key part of online social life, while they are also required to balance the rights of their child to privacy, including when their children are older. You can listen to the radio show here. Maja's interview was also featured on DR P1 Public Service radio today, which you can listen to here.